Songs for Grown Ups – CDs

Julia says ...
This CD contains fourteen of the “grown-up” songs, which I wrote and performed in folk clubs and on the radio with my husband Malcolm. Subjects range from the board game Monopoly to the joys of pasta-eating and there is also a song, sung by Malcolm, called “Cochon Blues” which was played as one of my choices when I was on the Radio 4 programme, Desert Island Discs.

The pianist for some of the numbers is Colin Sell (a university friend who is now famous for his role in the radio programme “I’m Sorry, I haven’t a Clue”).

The CD costs £10 including postage and packing.

Click here to view the lyrics of First Fourteen.

Order online through Julia's local bookshop

Julia says ...

Here are a further fourteen of my songs for grown-ups, including “Action Man and Sindy Doll” and “Three-Burglary Family”. The songs are arranged by Andrew Dodge and performed by Malcolm and myself along with several professional musicians. There is a guest spot (on “Dear Father Christmas”) by my niece Imogen Moore.

The CD costs £10 including postage and packing.

Order online through Julia's Local Bookshop